Real Estate with Kate

Potatoes & Parenting | A Real Look at Empty Nests

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What does it feel like when your kids are grown?

I was scrolling through my news feed the other day when I saw a post from a good friend.

I’ve watched her girls grow from children, to young ladies and now young women and while it makes me feel old I was blessed after reading my friends feelings…

I hope it’ll touch you like it did me. (Used with permission)

Empty Nest by Michelle Boyd

It happens. Just like that. One day you’re at the grocery and you wake from what feels like a happy dream where you cooked and cuddled and studied and listened with love as they rebutted.

And you realize, standing there in produce that you won’t use a 10lb bag of russets even if they are $1.99 because your family has grown up. You face the fact that though the price is about the same, 1/2 gal of milk will do and maybe even still, some go to waste.

And like a wrecking ball, reality strikes: you’re gonna need smaller casserole dishes made for two and a tiny stock pot to boot for soups and the rice. And what of the drawer with the kids cups and bowls? We’ll let it stay fallow, waiting to be used by future grand children’s souls.

And though your heart may swell with pride at the people you’ve raised and with whom you’ve enjoyed this magical ride – it hits ya there like a ton of bricks, maybe they won’t need you anymore, when they feel sick.

At first it stings as the tears stream down. Then I lift my head and place on it an imaginary crown. Worn with joy at the feat we’ve accomplished.

My Mr. and me will again at the table, just the two of us be. We’ll talk of our daughters and how their lives are moving on and make new plans together, for this honor we have won.

The privilege of parenthood is a blessing to cherish, though you may be tired and worn at the moment, make each day, month and year count. For one day you too will again find out, that potatoes are also sold in singular amounts.

A Reminder

For ALL parents….

I am 41 years old and I will ALWAYS need my mom.

On those days when the world has beat me down and I need to be lifted back up.

On those days when MY child has driven me crazy and I need a bit of sanity.

And Especially on those days when sickness has taken over and I need some TLC.

And lets NOT forget those days when I need to celebrate, laugh, jump for joy and share the news!

We will always need you.

PS don’t down scale those casserole dishes just yet, we’ll be by sooner than you think…


Blog Author: Mackenzie Dodge is a local community leader who is blessed to be married to her high school crush. They have a 7 year old son and her mother lives in her backyard and helps her home-school, organize events and still pretends to be Santa.


One more thing…

If you’re thinking of moving to our area and need to buy or sell a home, call Kate, she can provide you with a comparison! 970-985-8555

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